Thursday, January 08, 2009

Researchers have a boring life...

I am sitting at the CGH research lab, enjoying the good internet that my Vodafone allows me to have. Intended to come here for more disciplined literature review to prepare for my presentation next week, but since I came at 9+am, I was happily surfing the net, reading online news, Facebook-ing, and now blogging. Haha! My fren chose not to come because its freezy cold here. Yes, it is as cold as the SBS school's lobby. My supervisor has't come to the office yet, and the assistant is always keeping his girlfriend here secretly. Ha. Scandalous. They talk so loud that its hard to pretend to not to hear them. Thankful for my MP3 and the fabulous earpiece :)

I quite like this free and easy time. Maybe I should bring a book to read to occupy my spare time, else it'll be so boring! I have to go lunch alone later...hungry!! :p

I better get something done today!

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