Monday, April 06, 2009

Introducing Piggie...

She was bought as a mate for the poor lonely Tikkie... Also becos I found her so super cute, ever since I spotted her in the 7-eleven at CGH (the hospital I was going for my FYP). Yeps... weird place to be selling soft toys, and everyday as I walked past the shop I'd steal a look at her/it haha... And I could not withstand my temptation last Thurs when I thought its going to be the last day (it wasn't) for me to step into the place, and hence I finally brought one of them home! Hehe :p My excuse was that this is my "souvenir" for rewarding myself for surviving the gruesome torture under my supervisor... Haha anyway, me is happy Hee

She is posing with the everlasting bouquet of flowers from darling :)

Newly weds... Oh aren't they so loving?

Thats tiny Teddy... He was with me since eon years ago... Now he's adopted by Tikkie & Piggie... His twin brother is in the care of my darling :)


Hehe now you see how kiddo I am... Surprising huh? Lol... Who says soft toys are only for children? =)